We work with the utmost transparency to achieve our goals

We work with the utmost transparency to achieve our goals

Activity Report

The Chiesi Foundation Activities Report represents a fundamental tool for having a complete vision of the activities carried out by the Foundation during the year. The Report offers an overview of ongoing projects in the countries where the Foundation is active, with particular attention to developments and progress. The Report then highlights the most relevant and significant events that characterized the past year. There is also a final section dedicated to economic reporting.

The Activities Report represents an opportunity to understand the activities carried out by the Chiesi Foundation: it provides transparency and accountability, allowing anyone to get to know the Foundation and evaluate the impact of its projects.

Mission report

Every year a report is drawn up on the projects started and the objectives achieved. In addition, an economic balance sheet is drawn up to promptly highlight income and expenses. The Board of Auditors, with the task of supervising the correct accounting and administrative management, in accordance with the statute, issues a report each year which is attached and becomes an integral part of the report.

Neonatologia - Chiesi Foundation
Neonatologia - Chiesi Foundation
Neonatologia - Chiesi Foundation

Our strength is people

Chiesi Foundation applies policies to ensure maximum transparency to its stakeholders. The governance of the Foundation is carried out by the Management Board, the Scientific Committee and the Coordinator.

The Management Board administers the Foundation and is responsible for approving the budget and the activity plan. Furthermore, it elects the President from among its members. The Chairman of the Management Board, legal representative of the Entity, is Dr. Paolo Chiesi.

In Chiesi Foundation we use a Technical Advisor Group (TAG) who guides the Foundation team in the implementation of the long-term strategy, builds and maintains relationships with the global community in the neonatal and respiratory fields and provides technical support to partners in defining and supervision of NEST and GASP programs.

President of the Foundation

  • Maria Paola Chiesi


  • Massimo Salvadori

Management Board

  • Alberto Chiesi
  • Maria Paola Chiesi
  • Giuseppe Accogli
  • Philip Breesch
  • Carlo Ghisoni
  • Mario Scuri
  • Merran Thomson

Board of Auditors

  • M. Ceni
  • R. Pagani
  • G. Piroli

Technical Advisor Group

  • Federico Bianco – NEST Advisor
  • Ousmane Ndiaye – NEST Advisor
  • Mario Scuri – GASP Advisor

Become our partner

We collaborate with research centers, organizations, companies and institutions to improve access to care and the quality of life in the countries where it is most needed.

Become our partner

We collaborate with research centers, organizations, companies and institutions to improve access to care and the quality of life in the countries where it is most needed.