The country
Benin is an African state, located in the Gulf of Guinea on the Atlantic Ocean. It shares borders with Niger to the north, to the north-west with Burkina Faso, to the west with Togo and to the east with Nigeria. Tanguietà is located in the north of the country, about 600 km from the capital Cotonou. This area was indicated by the government as the most in need of assistance. In the area, the main causes of hospitalization are: malaria, acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, HIV / AIDS.
Our main activities in Benin
Expansion of the new neonatology department and the purchase of specific equipment and materials for newborn care.
Construction of a surgical room for urgent caesareans.
Financing of scholarships for young medical staff.
Our intervention
Since 2011 Chiesi Foundation Onlus has collaborated with the Congregation of the Fatebenefratelli, which manages the Saint Jean de Dieu Hospital in Tanguietà, one of the areas most in need of assistance.
Furthermore, in 2020 Chiesi Foundation started a new collaboration with the Abbraccio di Sokpontà Hospital (l’Abbraccio Hôpital des Enfants), a pediatric hospital located in a large rural area in the department of Les Collines. Dedicated entirely to children, the Abbraccio Hospital guarantees a diversified and specialized care offer, accessible to all, in the sectors of pediatrics, pediatric surgery, neonatology and maternity.
Chiesi Foundation supported the construction and reorganization of the new neonatology ward, which opened on May 29, 2021.