The country

Burkina Faso is located in the heart of Sahelian Africa. The country’s economy is based on mostly subsistence agriculture and most of its over 16 million inhabitants live below the poverty line. Since 2010 Chiesi Foundation has collaborated with the San Camillo Hospital of Ouagadougou (HOSCO), managed by the Camillian Fathers, which represents one of the few realities that can welcome and hospitalize pathological and premature babies.

Our main activities in Burkina Faso

Enlargement and renewal of the spaces in the neonatology ward.

Preparation of the ward with specialized medical equipment.

Transfer of scientific means and knowledge and staff training.

Neonatologia - Chiesi Foundation
Neonatologia - Chiesi Foundation

Our intervention

In 2015, the Chiesi Foundation financed the enlargement and renovation of the spaces in the neonatal ward, doubling the area available for the reception of children, significantly improving the spaces dedicated to mothers and creating suitable rooms for employees. In addition, an area for the stabilization of neonates was put into operation in the operating block of the maternity hospital, with an operating room for caesarean sections. The goal for the future is to continue working on improving neonatal care standards, providing new equipment, promoting continuous staff training and strengthening the collaboration network with other birth centers in the capital.

The situation of the ward and the progress achieved by the local medical-nursing team with the collaboration of volunteer doctors and nurses of the Hospitals of Mantua and Brescia, have been documented in the following article: Improved neonatal survival through …

For more information on the San Camillo Hospital, you can visit the official HOSCO website .

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